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1 March 2005 Polysaccharide Production by the Chlorolichen Pseudocyphellaria clathrata
Lucimara Mach Côrtes Cordeiro, Anderson Vesali Montai, Philip Albert James Gorin, Marcello Iacomini
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Polysaccharides of foliose thalli of Pseudocyphellaria clathrata (De Not.) Malme, a fungus lichenized with a green photobiont, were extracted and chemically characterized. The thalli were successively extracted with water and 2% aqueous KOH, at 100°C. After neutralization, the solution was subjected to freeze-thawing and Fehling treatment of the supernatant precipitated a structurally complex galactoglucomannan (GGM) that was identical to a similar fraction obtained from Pseudocyphellaria aurata (Ach.) Vainio, a fungus lichenized by the green alga Dictyochloropsis symbiotica. Isolated from the supernatant of the Fehling precipitation, was an arabinogalactomannoglucan (AGMG) that contained arabinose, galactose, mannose, and glucose in a 12:34:40:14 molar ratio. Methylation analysis showed 18 different structures, the principal being nonreducing galactofuranosyl end-units (25%) with the main chain composed by (1→3)-linked β-glucopyranosyl units, as seen by controlled Smith degradation.

Lucimara Mach Côrtes Cordeiro, Anderson Vesali Montai, Philip Albert James Gorin, and Marcello Iacomini "Polysaccharide Production by the Chlorolichen Pseudocyphellaria clathrata," The Bryologist 108(1), 118-122, (1 March 2005).[118:PPBTCP]2.0.CO;2
Received: 25 March 2004; Accepted: 1 September 2004; Published: 1 March 2005
Pseudocyphellaria clathrata
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